The Center for Wildlife Sustainability Research has a mission of teaching, research, and service consistent with that of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Teaching efforts in the lab often focus on graduate training, but our faculty members also contribute to undergraduate teaching and advisement of zoology, biology, and other life sciences majors, especially students specializing in wildlife biology and conservation.
The center maintains a strong international reputation for high quality research and graduate training. The blend of basic and applied research by our center staff emphasizes the welfare of people, wildlife resources, and their environments. Many research programs address regional/state needs and priorities, while others extend to international scales to serve the needs and interests of those concerned with the management and conservation of natural resources. Our graduates have gone on to have successful careers with state and federal agencies, private conservation organizations, and colleges and universities.
Online Giving
The Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory sincerely appreciates the generous contributions from alumni and patrons in support of our students. Contributions are imperative to our mission of promoting student research and training.