Prospective Students
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Prospective Students
Graduate assistantships in the Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory can be available at any time of year (fall, spring, summer) depending on project funding cycles. All graduate students in the CWRL are on funded projects, with 80-90% on competitive research assistantships. Remaining students are supported on fellowships or teaching assistantships. If you are interested in graduate studies in the CWRL, please contact one of the Lab faculty members, whose contact information can be found in this website. Direct communication with a faculty member is very important, and can help you in the competitive process of obtaining a graduate position.
CWRL faculty members commonly advertise research assistantships on websites such as the Texas A&M Jobs Board.
Graduate students in the CWRL are enrolled in the graduate program in the Department of Zoology. For information about the academic side of this program and for application information, visit the Department of Zoology Graduate Program.