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- Pitman, B., Bastille-Rousseau, G. (2023) Retention time and fix acquisition rate of glued-on GPS transmitters in a semi-aquatic species. Animal Biotelemetry 11: 1-11
- Tucker, M., [and Bastille-Rousseau, G., as one of over 100 co-authors] Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns. Science 380: 1059-1064
- Egan, M. Pepin, K., Fischer, J., Hyngstrom, S., VerCauteren, K., Bastille-Rousseau, G. (2023) Social Network Analysis of White-tailed Deer Scraping Behavior: Implications for Disease Transmission. Ecosphere 14: e4434
- Shamon, H., […], Bastille-Rousseau, G., […], McShea, W. (2023) SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A third coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States – initial trends. Ecology
- Bastille-Rousseau, G., Wittemyer, G. (2022) Simple metrics to characterize inter‐individual and temporal variation in habitat selection behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 1693-1706
- Bastille-Rousseau, G.*, McClure, K.*, Davis, A., […], Pepin, K. (2022) Accounting for animal movement improves vaccination strategies against wildlife disease in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecological Applications 32: e2568
- Manlove, K., Wilber, M., White, L., Bastille-Rousseau, G., […], Pepin, K. (2022) Defining an epidemiological landscape by connecting host movement to pathogen transmission. Ecology Letters 25: 1760-1782
- McNamara J., Schaefer, J., Bastille-Rousseau, G., Mahoney, S. (2022) Landscape features and caribou harvesting during three decades in Newfoundland. Ecoscience 1-15
Azizan, A., S. Anile, E. Paradis, C.K. Nielsen, and D. Sebastien. 2023. Population density and genetic diversity are positively correlated in wild felids globally. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32:1858-1869.
Greenspan, E., C. Montgomery, D. Stokes, S. S. K’lu, S. S. B. Moo, S. Anile, A. J. Giordano, and C. K. Nielsen. 2023. Occupancy, density, and activity patterns of a Critically Endangered leopard population on the Kawthoolei-Thailand border. Population Ecology 65:167-182.
Amspacher, K. M., F. A. Jimenez, and C. K. Nielsen. 2023. Winter denning behavior of striped skunks and interspecific den activity at their dens: implications for pathogen transmission. Wildlife Research 50:160-168.
Hooven, N. D., M. T. Springer, C. K Nielsen, and E. M. Schauber. 2023. Influence of natal habitat preference on habitat selection during extra-home range movements in a large ungulate. Ecology and Evolution 13:e9794.
Remmers, J. J., C. K. Nielsen, and D. B. Lesmeister. 2023. Anthropogenic and environmental influences on mammalian alpha and beta diversity in a hardwood forest landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation 41:e02369.
Winkel, B. M., C. K. Nielsen, E. M. Hillard, R. W. Sutherland, and M. A. LaRue. 2022. Potential cougar habitats and dispersal corridors in Eastern North America. Landscape Ecology 38:59-75.
- Brockman, J. C., C. K. Nielsen, and J. W. Walk. 2022. Influences of land cover, fire, and human activity on bison habitat selection in restored grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management 84:45-53.
Landau, V., B. Noon, D. Theobald, N. Hobbs, and C. Nielsen. 2022. Integrating presence-only and occupancy data to model habitat use for the northernmost population of jaguars. Ecological Applications 32,
Marler, H., J. Xie, D. H. Adams, C. K. Nielsen, Y. Wu, and D. Chen. 2022. Legacy and emerging flame retardants in sharks from the Western North Atlantic Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 829 (2022):154330.
- Bastille-Rousseau, G., Wittemyer, G. (2020) Characterizing the landscape of movement to identify critical wildlife habitat and corridors. Conservation Biology
- Bastille-Rousseau, G., Schlichting, P., Keiter, D., Smith, J., Kilgo, J., Wittemyer, G., Vercauteren, K., Beasley, J., Pepin, K. (2020) Multi-level response of invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) to removal. Pest Management Science
- Peers, M., Majchrzak, Y., Menzies, A., Studd E., Bastille-Rousseau, G., […], Boutin, S. (2020) Climate change increases predation risk for a keystone species of the boreal forest. Nature Climate Change 1-5.
- Bastille-Rousseau, G., Wall, J., Lesowapir, B., Loloju, B., Mwangi, N., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Wittemyer, G. (2020) Landscape-scale habitat selection of African elephants shows strong response to foraging opportunities in a human dominated ecosystem. Ecography 43:149-160
- Hillard, E. M., J. C. Crawford, C. K. Nielsen, J. W. Groninger, and E. M. Schauber. 2021. Hydrogeomorphology influences swamp rabbit habitat selection in a fragmented bottomland hardwood forest ecosystem. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:593-601.
- Amspacher, K. M., F. A. Jimenez, and C. K. Nielsen. 2021. Influence of habitat on presence of striped skunks in midwestern North America. Diversity 13, 83; DOI: 10.3390/d13020083.
- Panait, L. C., A. D. Mihalca, D. Modry, J. Juránková, A. M. Ionică, G. Deak, C. M. Gherman, M. Heddergott, A. Hodžić, F. Veronesi, M. Reichard, E. A. Zieman, C. K. Nielsen, F. A. Jiménez-Ruiz, and K. Hrazdilová.. Three new species of Cytauxzoon in European wild felids. 2021, Veterinary Parasitology 290:109344.
- Greenspan, E., A. Giordano, C. Nielsen, K. Jai-Chyi Pei, and N. Ching-Min Sun. 2020. Evaluating support for clouded leopard reintroduction in Taiwan: insights from surveys of indigenous and urban communities. Human Ecology;
- Anile, S., E. Greenspan, and C. Nielsen. 2020. Determinants of jaguar occupancy at the northern range edge. Mammal Research 65:667-677.
- Greenspan, E., S. Anile, and C. Nielsen. 2020. Density of wild felids in Sonora, Mexico: a comparison of spatially explicit capture-recapture methods. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66 (60); DOI:10.1007/s10344-020-01401-1.
- Greenspan, E., A. Giordano, C. Nielsen, K. Jai-Chyi Pei, and N. Ching-Min Sun. 2020. Taiwanese attitudes toward the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) and its potential reintroduction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25:301-323.
- Schank, C. J., M. V. Cove, E. Y. Arima, L. S. E. Brandt, E. Brenes-Mora, A. Carver, A. Diaz-Pulido, N. Estrada, R. J. Foster, O. Godínez-Gómez, B. J. Harmsen, C. A. Jordan, T. H. Keitt, M. J. Kelly, J. Sáenz Méndez, E. Mendoza, N. Meyer, G. Pozo Montuy, E. J. Naranjo, C. K. Nielsen, G. O’Farrill, R. Reyna-Hurtado, M. Rivero, J. P. Carvajal Sánchez, M. Singleton, J. A. de la Torre, M. A. Wood, K. R. Young, and J. A. Miller. 2020. Population status, connectivity, and conservation action for the endangered Baird’s tapir. Biological Conservation 245, DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108501.
- Cassel, K. W., D. J. Morin, C. K. Nielsen, T. S. Preuss, and G. A. Glowacki. 2020. Low-intensity monitoring of small mammal habitat associations and species interactions in an urban forest preserve network. Wildlife Research 47:114-127.
- Morin, D., C. Yackulik, J. Diffendorfer, D. Lesmeister, C. K. Nielsen, J. Reid, and E. M. Schauber. 2020. Is your multi-stage model selection strategy affecting your inferences? Ecosphere 11(1), doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2997.
- Levesque, D.L., J. G. Boyles, C. J. Downs, and A. M. Breit. 2021. High body temperature is an unlikely cause of high viral tolerance in bats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 57: 238-241
- McGuire, L. P., J. G. Boyles, R. M. Brigham. 2021. Lack of foraging site fidelity between years by Common Nighthawks (Chordeiles minor). American Midland Naturalist. 185:139-144
- Johnson, J. S., A. Blomberg, J. G. Boyles, T. Lilley. 2021. The winter worries of bats: past and present perspectives on winter habitat and management of cave hibernating bats. In: 50 Years of Bat Research, Foundations and New Frontiers. Springer Press. Pg. 209-223
- Clerc, J. R. M. Brigham, J. G. Boyles, and L. P. McGuire. 2021. A NASBR history of the advances in bat biology provided by radiotelemetry. In: 50 Years of Bat Research, Foundations and New Frontiers. Springer Press. Pg. 241-253
- Kahn T, La Marca E, Lötters S, Brown JL, Twomey E, Amezquita A (Editors) (2016). Aposematic Poison Frogs (Dendrobatidae) of the Andean Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Conservation International Tropical Field Guide Series, Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA. 588pp.
- Guillory WG, Brown JL. A new method for integrating ecological niche modeling with phylogenetics to estimate ancestral distributions. Systematic Biology – in press
- Paz A, Brown JL et al. Environmental correlates of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Biogeography – in press
- Brown JL, et al. (2020) Seeing the forest through many trees: multi-taxon patterns of phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest hotspot. Diversity and Distributions
- Brown JL, Hill D, Haywood A. (2020). A critical evaluation of the Oscillayers methods and datasets. Global Ecology and Biogeography
- Muell MR, Guillory WX, Kellerman A, Rubio AO, Scott-Elliston A, Morales O, Eckhoff K, Barfknecht D, Hartsock J, Weber JJ, Brown JL (2020). Gaming natural selection: using board games as simulations to teach evolution. Evolution. PDF
- Guillory W, Brown JL, et al. (2020). Comprehensive phylogenomic reconstruction of the Amazonian poison frog genus Ameerega using ultraconserved elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 106638. PDF